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Kiwi conservation comes in all shapes and sizes. Read our latest news and find out about upcoming events.
Learn more about our latest mahi
How to stay on top of ferrets this summer
Ferrets are a significant threat to native bird species and reptiles. They predate on eggs, chicks...
Everyday Kiwis saving the kiwi: “Conservation is the thing I care most about.”
If you bump into Gaia O’Hare on a day off, chances are she’ll end up talking about kiwi anyway. “I...
Everyday Kiwis saving the kiwi: Helping to save the Eastern brown kiwi, one little chick at a time
Photo: Bev Wilkinson (L) and Miriam Strachan (R) conduct a health check on a kiwi at the Napier...
Kiwi Art Trail heads to the regions
After a successful inaugural year in 2023, the Kiwi Art Trail is back – in a bigger and better...
Waiheke Island the home of wine, sculptures and … kiwi?
Waiheke Island is regarded by many as the gem of Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf. Soon it could become a...
Overseas kiwi feathers repatriated to Aotearoa
Kiwi feathers collected from across the US and Europe will soon be winging their way home in a...
5 flow-on effects of kiwi conservation mahi
Save the Kiwi’s work revolves around, well, saving the kiwi. It’s in the name, after all. However,...
Pine a promising solution to decline of New Zealand kiwi population
New Zealanders are known all over the world as Kiwis. However, our namesake is in trouble. How can...
Kiwi leave Rotoroa Island for their new forever homes
Kiwi might not be able to fly, but they’re great when they’re out on the water. In May, Save the...
Kiwi training kaupapa creates long-term employment opportunities
It's mid-afternoon on a beautifully clear Tuesday in March, and Ngatokoa Tikitau can’t wipe the...
Dogs causing plenty of ruff – but rewarding – days for Northland Save the Kiwi staff member
For as long as she can remember, Emma Craig has been passionate about caring for the environment....
NZ & Australia Governors-General enjoy kiwi experience with Save the Kiwi
On April 17th, Save the Kiwi and Rotoroa Island Trust had the privilege of hosting the New Zealand...