United by a passion to save our national icon
For millennia, the kiwi could look after itself. Today, it needs our help. Meet some of the people who are committed to saving the kiwi.
Meet the people behind the mahi
Save the Kiwi is Aotearoa’s national charity that’s dedicated to protecting kiwi. Our team is made up of a talented bunch of people who are passionate about ensuring the kiwi survives for generations to come.

Michelle Impey

Ross Halpin
Pou Matua Rapu Pūtea
Marketing & Sponsorship General Manager

Paul O’Shea
Pou Tahua Whakarite Kaupapa
Incubation Team Leader & Account Manager

Tineke Joustra
Pou Matarau
Operations Manager

Paula Williams
Pou Whirinaki Kōhanga Kiwi Coromandel Brown
Kōhanga Coordinator, Coromandel Brown Kiwi

Tamsin Ward-Smith
Pou Whirinaki a Rohe Eastern Brown Kiwi
Regional Coordinator, Eastern Brown Kiwi

Emma Craig
Pou Taumaru Kiwi | Pou Whirinaki a Rohe Te Tai Tokerau
Dog Specialist & Regional Coordinator, Northland Brown Kiwi

Morgan Cox
Pou Uruao a Motu
Māori Engagement National Coordinator

Ora Barlow
Pou Uruao a Motu
Māori Engagement National Coordinator

Wiremu Wharepapa
Pou Uruao
Hapū Activator, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui

Erin Reilly
Pou Whakapā
Marketing & Communications Manager

Debbie Howard
Kai-āwhina ā Tari

Craig Balsom
Pouhere Haukiwi
Forestry Specialist

John Bissell
Kaitohu Konihi a Motu
National Predator Control Advisor

Helen McCormick
Pou Mātanga Whakamaru Kiwi
Husbandry Manager, Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow

Kimberley McGuire
Poutiro Kiwi
Senior Kiwi Keeper, Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow

Kelsi Thompson
Kaitiro Kiwi
Kiwi Keeper, Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow

Claire Travers
Pou Mātanga Kiwi Pūrere Whakawhānau
Kiwi Incubation Consultant

Bev Wilkinson
Pou Mātanga Whakamaru Kiwi
Husbandry Manager, Napier Kiwi Crèche

Miriam Strachan
Kaitiro Kiwi
Kiwi Keeper, Napier Kiwi Crèche

Will Kahu
Pou Arataki Kiwi
Kiwi Trainer

Gaia O’Hare
Pou Tiaki Kiwi
Kiwi Ranger, Wairakei Golf & Sanctuary
Our ambassadors

Dame Lisa Carrington
New Zealand Olympian

Rt Hon. Sir John Key
Former Prime Minister

Rt Hon. Helen Clark
Former Prime Minister

Kane Williamson
New Zealand Cricket Captain

Jenny-May Clarkson
Breakfast Presenter, TVNZ

Miriama Kamo
Sunday Presenter, TVNZ

Kat Quin
Kuwi the Kiwi Author & Illustrator

Ruud Kleinpaste
‘Bugman’ & Kiwi Ambassador

Sir Graham Henry
Former All Blacks Coach
Our board

Richard Leggat
Richard was appointed as chairperson in April 2019. He has extensive governance and leadership experience, particularly with public sector and not-for-profit entities. Richard is a keen cyclist and skier. His headmaster father ingrained an interest and love of New Zealand’s flora and fauna into his own life, and now he combines this interest with his experience to lead The Kiwi Trust and help guide its world-leading conservation strategy.

Lady Jennie Fenwick
Lady Jennie Fenwick has spent almost 38 years alongside Sir Rob Fenwick, her late husband and former Kiwis for kiwi’s chair and trustee, regenerating their 360-hectare property on Waiheke Island. A three-decade-long pest and weed eradication program has successfully seen the return of many species across multiple ecosystems.
Much of Jennie’s spare time, and that her of daughter’s, is spent doing what it takes to keep Rob’s vision for the property, Waiheke and New Zealand alive. A massive part of that vision was to see kiwi thrive in New Zealand, and Save the Kiwi is integral to that happening.

Joe Harawira
Ngāi te Rangi – Ngāti Awa – Maniapoto – Tūhourangi
After spending 24 years in the education sector, Joe has been part of the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai since 2000. Roles within DOC have mainly been in treaty settlements, iwi engagement, and professional development of staff in the te ao māori space. Joe has provided cultural support for past Conservation Ministers and Director-Generals, at the translocation of taonga, and wānanga around te ao māori in conservation.
Joe has a long involvement in kiwi kaupapa too. A founding member of the Kāhui Taiao Tūroa Committee, a kaupapa that showcases Māori-driven projects within te taiao, Joe is also the Pou Tikanga on the Sustainable Seas Science Challenge, TIAKI and Māori Tourism, and advises on a number of committees including He Tira Whakamataki.

Ruud Kleinpaste
Ruud Kleinpaste is a familiar face to television viewers in New Zealand and around the world. Known affectionately as ‘The Bugman’, he is a vocal advocate for insects, and has been a regular guest on television and radio shows, as well as writing articles and books.
Ruud’s working life is a mosaic of national and international speaking engagements, media projects, research and consultancy work, mostly on topics of environmental importance. He also frequently travels to little bits of paradise all over the world.

Henry Brandts-Giesen
Henry Brandts-Giesen is the Head of Private Wealth at Dentons Kensington Swan. He specialises in trusts, estates, relationship property, succession planning, family businesses, and residency by investment.
Henry advises a number of charities and non-profit organisations and is honoured to be given the opportunity to contribute to the proud legacy of Save the Kiwi’s founding trustees.
In his spare time, Henry enjoys spending time with his family, rowing, skiing, and ocean swimming.

Kate Graeme
Kate Graeme has deep experience with community conservation as well as a past life working in government policy. She is a long-standing board member for the Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society (currently serving as Deputy Chair) and provides The Kiwi Trust with a valuable link to this great organisation.
Kate is a lawyer by training and has applied her knowledge and skills in various governance roles within the conservation arena. She’s highly excited to participate in the kiwi journey and provides a great level of understanding and a strong voice for community-based involvement in our work.

Alistair Ryan
Alistair is an experienced accountant and financial executive with extensive stock exchange-listed company experience. In addition to being a Kiwi Trust trustee, Alistair chairs the NZX listed investment companies Kingfish, Barramundi, and Marlin Global, and recently retired from the boards of Metlifecare, Kiwibank, and Lewis Road Creamery. Alistair has also previously been involved with EY and SKYCITY.
Alistair volunteers for Whangamata Harbourcare and Rotoroa Island in the Hauraki Gulf. His interests include outdoor activities of just about any sort, travel, and active recreation. He’s married to Julie, and they have three adult daughters and four grandchildren.