Kiwi Forever: Kiwi kids learning to love kiwi
Teaching kids about the kiwi, why it’s so special, and what they can do to help protect it

About Kiwi Forever
Kiwi Forever is a free teaching resource packed full of fun and educational activities aligned with Levels 1-4 of the New Zealand curriculum. Following principles of Environmental Education for Sustainability (EEfs) while using kiwi as the overarching theme, students will learn about te taiao and how to care for it now and well into the future.

What is Environmental Education for Sustainability (EEfS)?
EEfS is a national strategy for environmental education which aims to equip New Zealanders, especially children and young people, with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to tackle environmental issues.

Inside Kiwi Forever
Kiwi Forever is a flexible teaching resource suitable for any year 1-8 teachers with an interest in te taiao and sustainable schools. Seven chapters each focus on a particular aspect to do with kiwi and are accompanied by lots of fun activities, including many that get students out of the classroom and learning in nature. Activities are adaptable for schools in any environment, including home schooling.

Free … forever
Save the Kiwi raises awareness about the plight of the kiwi and empowers people to do their bit so we can ensure this taonga can survive and thrive – together. Teaching the future generations about our beautiful taiao and how they can treat Papatūānuku with care and respect is one part of our kaupapa. That’s why Kiwi Forever is a free resource (and will always be) – so we can all work together to save the kiwi, starting with our rangatahi.