Since 2002, Save the Kiwi has allocated millions of dollars in conservation funding from The Kiwi Trust.
Applications for funding grants for 2024/25 are now closed.
Funding grant allocations
We are proud to support kiwi conservation projects all over Aotearoa.
Frequently asked questions
When do applications for kiwi conservation funding grants open?
Applications for the 2024/25 round of funding opened on 4 March 2024 and closed on 8 April 2024.
Where does this funding come from?
Save the Kiwi conservation grants are a combination of Save Our Iconic Kiwi funding from local government and donations and sponsorships to The Kiwi Trust. Find out more about our sponsors or make a donation today.
Who can apply for kiwi conservation funding?
All community-based kiwi conservation groups, universities, and recognised research facilities can apply for funding from The Kiwi Trust, if they meet our terms and conditions.
Is my group eligible to apply?
Find out whether the conservation work your group does meets Save the Kiwi’s funding criteria.
How do I apply?
Applications opened on 4 March 2024. Online applications for the funding can be found here. Applications closed on 8 April 2024. Any applications received after that date will not be eligible for funding.
How does Save the Kiwi determine who gets the funding?
Applications are assessed by the Kiwi Recovery Group which makes recommendations to The Kiwi Trust trustees. Trustees approve the final funding allocations, and successful applicants are informed in late June each year.
Successful applicants are projects that take the form of some or all of the following charitable purposes:
- To encourage and undertake the preservation and protection of all species of kiwi
- To provide inspiration, guidance, and tools to enable New Zealanders to protect and enhance regional populations of kiwi
- To support research that benefits kiwi especially, but not exclusively, in the areas of bird management, predator control, eco-system management, and breeding
- To educate the public about kiwi and how to support kiwi conservation projects
- To encourage public support of and involvement in such projects
- To assist and co-operate with people and organisations that similar aims
Save the Kiwi will give priority to financially supporting kiwi conservation and restoration initiatives which:
- Directly support the objectives of Save the Kiwi to increase the overall kiwi population, increase the number of places kiwi live, and maintain the kiwi’s genetic diversity
- Address and support Kiwi Recovery Plan objectives as expressed through the Kiwi Recovery Group
- Maximise the conservation outcomes for kiwi, including research, fieldwork, advocacy, and education
- Result in the formulation and dissemination of kiwi conservation ‘best practice’ resources and methodologies
- Engage communities and foster long-term community support and ownership of kiwi conservation actions
We’re all in this together. Save the Kiwi works to raise awareness about the plight of the kiwi and what is being done to help via social media, regular newsletters, and media publicity. (Photo credit: Jenny Feaver)
Predator control
Stoats, ferrets, rats, dogs, and other predators are the greatest risk to the kiwi population. Find out more about predators, the harm they cause to our native taonga, and what we can do to help.
Kiwi avoidance training
Dogs are the biggest threat to adult kiwi. Learn about a method that can successfully teach dogs how to avoid kiwi when they come across them in the wild.
Operation Nest Egg
Operation Nest Egg is a national kiwi breeding programme which grows kiwi numbers much faster than they could in the wild. Find out more about what and who is involved. (Photo credit: Jenny Feaver)
Kōhanga Kiwi
Kōhanga Kiwi is a ground-breaking strategy that both preserves current numbers of kiwi and increases them. Learn about this world-leading conservation initiative.
Gallagher Kiwi Burrow
The Gallagher Kiwi Burrow (formerly known as the Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow) is Save the Kiwi’s kiwi incubation, hatching, and brooding facility. Learn about the facility and the chicks that temporarily call this facility home.
Whānau, hapū, iwi & kiwi
Kaitiakitanga is integral to the spiritual, cultural, and social life of tangata whenua. Find out how Save the Kiwi is committed to supporting Māori leadership in kiwi and wider efforts to restore the health of the whenua.
Jobs for Nature
In 2020, Save the Kiwi was awarded Jobs for Nature funding which was redistributed to various kiwi conservation projects. Find out about these projects and the environmental gains they’re seeing. (Photo credit: Jenny Feaver)
An enormous amount of research about the kiwi population has been undertaken over the years. Learn about the research behind Save the Kiwi’s vision.