“Tinsel” needs your help this Christmas

“Tinsel” needs your help this Christmas

Got your Christmas gifts sorted this year? Why not add this wee chap to the list too. Meet “Tinsel”. He’s one of the 60-odd kiwi chicks that Kiwis for kiwi will host at our brand-new kiwi crèche in Napier over the coming year. “Tinsel” and his mates will stay with us...
Introducing Whetū

Introducing Whetū

The Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow is proud to announce the pitter-patter of tiny feet to its facility, after the first kiwi chick of the breeding season hatched last week. In late August, the Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow welcomed two North Island brown kiwi eggs to its...